Results for 'Paul G. Richardson'

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  1.  71
    Dana-Farber cancer institute ethics Rounds: Life-threatening illness and the desire to adopt.Margaret Olivia Little, Walter V. Moczynski, Paul G. Richardson & Steven Joffe - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (4):385-393.
    : Originally presented during Ethic Rounds at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, this commentary on the case of a patient treated for life-threatening cancer explores the responsibilities of health care providers when addressing the patient's desire to adopt a child.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Bettina G. Bergo, Bernard Boxill, Matthew B. Crawford, Patrick Croskery, Michael J. Degnan, Paul Graham, Kenneth Kipnis, Avery H. Kolers, Henry S. Richardson & David S. Weberman - 2002 - Ethics 112 (4):884-889.
  3.  77
    Nikolay Milkov and Volker Peckhaus, eds. The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. [REVIEW]Alan Richardson - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (1):174-77.
    This is an important volume for rounding out our understanding of the origins and dimensions of the logical empiricist project. While the existence of a Berlin wing of logical empiricism—personified principally in Hans Reichenbach and Carl G. Hempel—has been well known, in the recent reappraisal literature the spotlight has been firmly on the Vienna Circle. [...] The essays give an expansive sense of the German-Berlin context of the work of not only Reichenbach and Hempel but also their philosophical colleagues Kurt (...)
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    Hammurabi's Laws: Text, Translation and Glossary.G. B. & M. E. J. Richardson - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):178.
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    Detecting Genuine and Deliberate Displays of Surprise in Static and Dynamic Faces.Mircea Zloteanu, Eva G. Krumhuber & Daniel C. Richardson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  6.  51
    Identity, politics, and the pandemic: Why is COVID-19 a disaster for feminism(s)?Suze G. Berkhout & Lisa Richardson - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-6.
    COVID-19 has been called “a disaster for feminism” for numerous reasons. In this short piece, we make sense of this claim, drawing on intersectional feminism to understand why an analysis that considers gender alone is inadequate to address both the risks and consequences of COVID-19.
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  7.  22
    Assessment of frontal lobe functions.Paul F. Malloy & Emily D. Richardson - 2001 - In Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy & James D. Duffy, The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatric Illness. American Psychiatric Press. pp. 125--137.
  8.  12
    Eros and Eris: Contributions to a Hermeneutical Phenomenology Liber Amicorum for Adriaan Peperzak.Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak & Paul van Tongeren - 1992 - Springer.
    The articles in this book display the originality and creativity of Eros and Eris, and their important role in the history of our culture, particularly in the history of philosophy and its role in today's systematic philosophy. Although these contributions to a hermeneutical phenomenology in this compilation are organized in a linear-chronological order (treating Homer, Hesiod, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Cusanus, Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger and Levinas), they all carry out their own hermeneutical movement in the (...)
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  9.  33
    Bringing Intersectionality to the Fore in COVID-19.Suze G. Berkhout & Lisa Richardson - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):159-161.
    It was an afternoon in the early stages of the pandemic when Lisa Richardson and I ran into each other at the hospital coffee line. Standing six feet apart and decked out in masks, scrub caps, and face shields, we were almost unrecognizable to one another and to ourselves. The pandemic was of course top of mind, but our conversation quickly turned to what was being articulated about the pandemic and why it was being heralded as a "disaster for (...)
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  10.  34
    Body partitioning and real-space blends.Paul G. Dudis - 2004 - Cognitive Linguistics 15 (2).
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  11.  31
    The Achievement of Paul Weiss.Paul G. Kuntz - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (Supplement):47 - 70.
    As I put down my copy of The Making of Men and take up Volumes III and IV of Philosophy in Process, the period of the diary when Weiss was writing the book, I wondered whether the longer work showed more awareness of human weakness and disability. The philosophic program calls for the overcoming of bias and achievement of neutrality. Has Weiss ever admitted that men are sometimes born tired, suffer weaknesses, yield to the temptation of aiming low rather than (...)
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  12.  70
    Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge 1939.Paul G. Morrison - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 (4):584-586.
    For several terms at Cambridge in 1939, Ludwig Wittgenstein lectured on the philosophical foundations of mathematics. A lecture class taught by Wittgenstein, however, hardly resembled a lecture. He sat on a chair in the middle of the room, with some of the class sitting in chairs, some on the floor. He never used notes. He paused frequently, sometimes for several minutes, while he puzzled out a problem. He often asked his listeners questions and reacted to their replies. Many meetings were (...)
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  13.  26
    A Profile of Twenty-First Century Secondary Social Studies Teachers.Paul G. Fitchett - 2010 - Journal of Social Studies Research 34 (2):229-265.
  14.  17
    Democratizing social studies teacher education through mediated field experiences and practice-based teacher education.Paul G. Fitchett & Stacy B. Moore - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (3):169-184.
    This dual methods study explored one social studies teacher education program as it attempted to incorporate a cycle of practice-based teacher education into a methods course for the purpose of democratizing the teacher education experience. In addition to detailing the pedagogical decisions of the course instructor, researchers followed two social studies teacher candidates into their student teaching experience. Findings suggested that promoting social studies practice through a pedagogy of enactment is not enough. Rather, mentor teachers, course instructors, and teacher candidates (...)
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  15.  57
    (2 other versions)Is there a problem about sense-data?G. A. Paul - 1951 - In Gilbert Ryle & Antony Flew, Logic and language (first series): essays. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 61--77.
  16.  40
    Aesthetics applies to sports as well as to the arts.Paul G. Kuntz - 1974 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 1 (1):6-35.
  17. The metaphor in science and in the science classroom.Paul G. Muscari - 1988 - Science Education 72 (4):423-431.
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  18. Genesis, Evolution, and the Search for a Reasoned Faith by Mary Katherine Birge, SSJ, Brian G. Henning, Rodica M. Stoicoiu, and Ryan Taylor.Paul G. Heltne - 2013 - Zygon 48 (1):230-232.
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  19.  97
    Fairness, Responsibility, and Climate Change.Paul G. Harris - 2003 - Ethics and International Affairs 17 (1):149-156.
    Most literature on the ethics of global warming focuses on the obligations of industrialized states to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases and to help poor countries do likewise. These books are no exception, arguing that the issue is a matter of international justice and equity.
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  20.  58
    (1 other version)Misplaced Ethics of Climate Change: Political vs. Environmental Geography.Paul G. Harris - 2010 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 13 (2):215-222.
    Climate change diplomacy is routinely characterized by preoccupation with narrow and short-term perceived national interests rather than the pressing need to mitigate global warming and respond agg...
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  21.  14
    Testimony on Human Rights: The Reformed Ecumenical Synod: A Précis.Paul G. Schrotenboer - 1984 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 1 (3):11-16.
    The Reformed Ecumenical Synod has published a Testimony on Human Rights written by a team of twenty-two Christian scholars from various areas of the world. Paul G. Schrotenboer has produced this pre'cis, selecting key passages from the full 160 page report, which is published by the RES Secretariat, 1677 Gentian Drive S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA 49508, $8.00 post paid. The numbers in brackets refer to pages in the full report.
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  22.  93
    ‘Getting Rich is Glorious’: Environmental Values in the People's Republic of China.Paul G. Harris - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (2):145-165.
    Pollution and overuse of resources in China have profound implications for the Chinese people and the world. Globalisation may be partly to blame for this situation, but it is hardly the only explanation. China has been overusing its resources for centuries. Traditional values appear to offer environmentally benign guidance for China's economic development, but they are largely impotent in the face of now-pervasive values manifested in Western-style consumption. Government policies go some way toward addressing this problem, but what may be (...)
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  23.  25
    International Obligation and Human Health: Evolving Policy Responses to HIV/AIDS.Paul G. Harris & Patricia Siplon - 2001 - Ethics and International Affairs 15 (2):29-52.
    The world is in the early stages of what will be the greatest health crisis since the advent of modern medical technologies. Millions of people—particularly people in many of the world's poor countries—are infected with HIV. The vast majority of these people will go without modern medical intervention or substantial treatment, and will rapidly develop AIDS. The extent of this problem presents profound moral and ethical questions for the world's wealthy people and countries, for it is they who are most (...)
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  24.  46
    Human-Sheepdog Distributed Cognitive Systems: An Analysis of Interspecies Cognitive Scaffolding in a Sheepdog Trial.Paul G. Keil - 2015 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 15 (5):508-529.
    Humans coordinate with other people and technological resources in order to become integrated into distributed cognitive systems and engage the world in ways beyond their naked capacities. This paper extends the distributed cognitive framework towards human and dog partnerships at a sheepdog trial, arguing that by scaffolding the sheepdog's cognitive limitations and inability to tackle the trial independently, the human handler forms with the canine partner an interspecies cognitive system. The handler serves as a higher-order cognitive resource integrated through the (...)
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  25. The subjective character of experience.Paul G. Muscari - 1985 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 6 (4):577-97.
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  26.  86
    Lenin's Theory of Perception.G. A. Paul - 1937 - Analysis 5 (5):65 - 73.
  27.  96
    Can computers carry content "inexplicitly"?Paul G. Skokowski - 1994 - Minds and Machines 4 (3):333-44.
    I examine whether it is possible for content relevant to a computer''s behavior to be carried without an explicit internal representation. I consider three approaches. First, an example of a chess playing computer carrying emergent content is offered from Dennett. Next I examine Cummins response to this example. Cummins says Dennett''s computer executes a rule which is inexplicitly represented. Cummins describes a process wherein a computer interprets explicit rules in its program, implements them to form a chess-playing device, then this (...)
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  28.  20
    Global Ethics and Climate Change.Paul G. Harris - 2016 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Finds solutions to the world's greatest challenge climate change in global ethicsNew for this editionIncludes recent climate diplomacy and international agreementsPresents current data and information on climate scienceUpdated statistics; e.g. in chapters and sections that look at poverty and wealthExpanded learning guide for students and lecturersGlobal Ethics and Climate Change combines the science of climate change with ethical critique to expose its impact, the increasing intensity of dangerous trends particularly growing global affluence, material consumption and pollution and the intensifying moral (...)
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  29. Cholinesterases preceding major tracts in vertebrate neurogenesis.Paul G. Layer - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (9):415-420.
    The role of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in neurotransmission is well known. But long before synapses are formed in vertebrates, AChE is expressed in young postmitotic neuroblasts that are about to extend the first long tracts. AChE histochemistry can thus be used to map primary steps of brain differentiation. Preceding an possibly inducing AChE in avian brains, the closely related butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) spatially fore-shadows AChE-positive cell areas and the course of their axons. In particular, before spinal motor axons grow, their corresponding rostral (...)
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  30.  32
    Faith's knowledge: explorations into the theory and application of theological epistemology.Paul G. Tyson - 2013 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Can we know truth even though certain proof is unattainable? Can we be known by Truth? Is there a relationship between belief and truth, and if so, what is the nature of that relationship? Do we need to have faith in reason and in real meaning to be able to reason towards truth? These are the sorts of questions this book seeks to address. In Faith's Knowledge, Paul Tyson argues that all knowledge that aims at truth is always the (...)
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  31.  56
    The Analogy of Degrees of Being.Paul G. Kuntz - 1982 - New Scholasticism 56 (1):51-79.
  32. The Concept of Order.Paul G. Kuntz - 1969 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 2 (4):246-247.
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  33.  20
    Symposium: Is there a Problem about Sense-Data?G. A. Paul, H. M. Smith & A. R. M. Murray - 1936 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 15 (1):61-101.
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    Albert Camus’ Philosophy of Love.Paul G. Neiman - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 44 (3):318-338.
    Philosophical Investigations, EarlyView.
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  35. Analysis of Sense Data.G. A. Paul - 1935 - Analysis 3 (1-2):12-20.
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  36.  43
    Scientific evidence and best patient care practices should guide the ethics of Lyme disease activism.Paul G. Auwaerter, Johan S. Bakken, Raymond J. Dattwyler, J. Stephen Dumler, John J. Halperin, Edward McSweegan, Robert B. Nadelman, Susan O'Connell, Sunil K. Sood, Arthur Weinstein & Gary P. Wormser - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):68-73.
    Johnson and Stricker published an opinion piece in the Journal of Medical Ethics presenting their perspective on the 2008 agreement between the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the Connecticut Attorney General with regard to the 2006 IDSA treatment guideline for Lyme disease. Their writings indicate that these authors hold unconventional views of a relatively common tick-transmitted bacterial infection caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that their opinions would clash with the IDSA's (...)
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  37.  21
    Chronique.Paul G. Bahn - 2001 - Diogène 193 (1):114-122.
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  38.  89
    The postmodern sublime: Kant and Tony Smith's anecdote of the cube.Paul G. Beidler - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (2):177-186.
  39.  29
    Temporal numerosity: I. Perceived number as a function of flash number and rate.Paul G. Cheatham & C. T. White - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (6):447.
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  40.  38
    Temporal numerosity: III. Auditory perception of number.Paul G. Cheatham & Carroll T. White - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (6):425.
  41.  35
    Visual perceptual latency as a function of stimulus brightness and contour shape.Paul G. Cheatham - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (5):369.
  42.  26
    Derangement of growth and differentiation control in oncogenesis.Paul G. Corn & Wafik S. El-Deiry - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (1):83-90.
    Human neoplasms develop following the progressive accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations to oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. These alterations confer a growth advantage to the cancer cell, leading to its clonal proliferation, invasion into surrounding tissues, and spread to distant organs. Genes that are altered in neoplasia affect three major biologic pathways that normally regulate cell growth and tissue homeostasis: the cell cycle, apoptosis, and differentiation. While each of these pathways can be defined by a unique set of molecular (...)
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  43.  52
    Catholicity, inculturation and Newman's sensus fidelium.Paul G. Crowley - 1992 - Heythrop Journal 33 (2):161–174.
  44.  30
    Rahner, Doctrine and Ecclesial Pluralism.Paul G. Crowley - 2000 - Philosophy and Theology 12 (1):131-154.
    Karl Rahner’s “world church” turns out to be a church of significant theological and cultural pluralism in which doctrine can sometimes strain to unify disparate elements. This article examines this problem in light of Rahner’s theory of doctrinal development. First, it examines the notion of doctrine itself, suggesting a pliable model inspired by usages of “dogma” in the early church which reflect both teaching and confession of faith. Second, Rahner’s theory of doctrinal development is discussed in light of Newman’s theory. (...)
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  45.  12
    La boule de Canton: le roman vrai de l'écologie humaine.Paul G. Dumas - 2007 - Paris: Publibook.
  46.  21
    Genes and the man.Paul G. Espinasse - 1944 - The Eugenics Review 36 (3):94.
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    On the logical geography of neo-mendelism.Paul G. 'Espinasse - 1956 - Mind 65 (257):75-77.
  48.  38
    The 'Abb'sid RevolutionThe 'Abbasid Revolution.Paul G. Forand & M. A. Shaban - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):364.
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    The Governors of Mosul According to Al-Azdī's Ta'rīkh AlmawṣilThe Governors of Mosul According to Al-Azdi's Ta'rikh Almawsil.Paul G. Forand - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):88.
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  50.  25
    The remote prayer delusion: clinical trials that attempt to detect supernatural intervention are as futile as they are unethical.G. Paul - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):e18-e18.
    Extreme rates of premature death prior to the advent of modern medicine, very low rates of premature death in First World nations with low rates of prayer, and the least flawed of a large series of clinical trials indicate that remote prayer is not efficacious in treating illness. Mass contamination of sample cohorts renders such clinical studies inherently ineffectual. The required supernatural and paranormal mechanisms render them implausible. The possibility that the latter are not benign, and the potentially adverse psychological (...)
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